European Union Project

Çerkezköy AB Projesi

This project is funded by the European Union.

Çerkezköy AB Projesi

Consortium: The consortium is made up  Çerkezköy Chamber of Commerce and Industry as lead applicant, Drama Chamber of Commerce and Industry as co-applicant and Türkiye Avrupa Vakfı as associate partner:

Lead Applicant: Çerkezköy Chamber of Commerce and Industry will be carrying out

  1. The overall management, coordination, and implementation of the Project activities
  2. Dissemination and promotion of project and project outputs
  3. Monitoring & Evaluation of the project activities and project outputs
  4. Reporting of the project and maintaning the communication with the contracting authority

Co-applicant: Drama Chamber of Commerce and Industry

  1. Participation in the kick-off event and road-map workshop in Çerkezköy, and joint-meeting in Brussels
  2. Organization of the matchmaking event in Drama
  3. Organization of job shadowing programme for Çerkezkoy CCI personnel
  4. Presentation of the project in Drama region and Greece and contribution to the dissemination of the project

Associate: Turkey European Foundation

Sharing its know-how and knowledge on the EU Policies, Turkey-EU Relations, and Turkey’s Accession Process with project partners

Sharing its project management experience and know-how

Assisting the Organization of the joint network meeting and study visit in Brussels

Proje Objective

Overall objectives:

  1. To make contribution to the development of mutual knowledge and understanding between Turkish Chambers and their counterparts in the EU.
  2. To promoting the integration of European and Turkish business communities in Turkey’s Future Accession to the EU.

  Specific objectives: 

  1. To improve the capacity of Çerkezköy CCI at serving its SME members through structured dialogue with its counterpart in the EU.
  2. To develop the capacities of SMEs in the region.
  3. To strenghten the dialogue between Çerkezköy CCI and its EU partner for further cooperation.
  4. To foster the participation of chambers in Turkey’s Accession Process.


In 2017, Çerkezköy CCI conducted a contentment survey among its members including the assessment of the quality of its services, profiles and structures of its members as well as their needs, problems and requirements. Following the survey, based on the results, Çerkezköy CCI initiated a series of activities including committee meetings, studies and projects, and strived to make cooperation with their counterparts in the EU. So, the background of this action is based on that survey and following actions and initiatives taken by Çerkezköy CCI. As the action has been initially prepared, of the contacted chambers, Drama CCI has been selected as the co-applicant due to the fact that its scope of services and works very much overlap with the expectations of Çerkezköy CCI, its members and the services Çerkezköy CCI strives to provide their members as well its efforts for internationationalization.

The main motivation source of the project to improve the service it gives to its members, to raise awareness in the activity region and to benefit from the experiences of the project partner and associate.

This publication was prepared with financial support of the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. This publication is solely responsible for the content of Cerkezkoy Chamber of Commerce and Industry and this content in any way reflect the views of the European Union or the Republic of Turkey.

Çerkezköy AB Projesi